Saturday, July 9, 2011

Results After Week 2 - 30 Day Shred

Ok so here are our results for week 3! (loss/gains in the brackets are based on PREVIOUS week) 

Sister 1
Weight- 76.5 kg (-1 kg)
Height- 157 cm
Neck- 35 cm (+1 cm)
Waist- 105 cm (-1.5 cm)
Hips- 114 cm (-1cm)

Sister 2
Weight- 69.5kg (-1.1kg)
Height- 165 cma
Neck- 32 cm (-1cm)
Waist- 98 cm (no change)
Hips- 102 cm (-1cm)

Monday, July 4, 2011

30 Day Shred Level 2 !!

Ok so we just did Level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred!


Today was our 8th day, and the last couple days with Level 1 started to get a bit too easy. 

So we thought that today we would start Level 2 !

The warmup was similar to Level 1, it was actually more fun! 

But then EVERYTHING else was so scaryyyy!! 

The strength was probably the most painful, but hopefully it will be worth it! 

We both definitely had to pause in the middle for a few seconds, especially for the cardio parts, but we think we have definitely improved ALOT since day 1! For example, when we got too tired doing the double jump-rope our 'pause' was the single jumprope, rather than just stopping. Before that, jumprope used to be the worst part of cardio in level 1! Now it's like one of the best! 

We think main difference between Level 1 and 2 is the pace, as well as the difficulty of the strength part. We do not recommended increasing your weights just yet, because the strength part can get a little too painful. 

Even though it was painful, we are both looking forward to tomorrows workout, because we will be more familiar to it, and we will hopefully know what we are doing, more properly. Hopefully our bodies won't be aching too much though!! 

We highly recommend if you are planning to start the 30 day shred, START AT LEVEL 1 FIRST NO MATTER WHAT UNLESS YOU ARE AN ATHLETE! Because even the trainers in the background were getting really tired in level 2! 



Saturday, July 2, 2011

Results After Week 1 - 30 Day Shred

So here are our measurements for week 1 after the 30 day shred!  

Sister 1
Weight- 77.5 kg (-0.4kg)
Height- 157 cm
Neck- 34.5 cm (-2.5cm)
Waist- 106.5 cm (-5.5cm) 
Hips- 115 cm (-1cm)

Sister 2
Weight- 70.6 (+0.6kg)
Height- 165 cm
Neck- 33 cm (-2cm)
Waist- 98 cm (no change)
Hips- 103 cm (-3cm)

There wasn't much change in our weight, but when we measured our neck/waist/hips we could see that there definitely was a difference! We will be starting Level 2 on Wednesday, so hopefully next Sunday the results will be better. (Scroll Down to our previous post to see before pics!) 

Before Pics! Day 1 (Week 1) - coming soon

Ok so this is a little embarrassing but we are posting our before pics now! This is from Week 1 Day 1 :) Details about weight/height are in the previous post

Sister 1 

Sister 2

Introduction :)

Hi everyone, so today we decided to make a blog about our weight loss journey ! 

We are two sisters who have both been overweight for most of our lives, and now this is the time to make a change! 

We started last Sunday together, and today is Saturday, so tomorrow it will be a week since we started our weight loss journey :) 

To control our diet, we first decided that we should control our calorie intake and record everything that we  eat. So we started to use the app 'myfitnesspal', which has been very useful in recording all our food! 

We are south asian, so we tend to eat a lot of curries and rice and bread, fortunately we can now control our intake with this app, because it has almost all of the different home made curries we eat! 

Secondly, for exercise, we started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. We have been doing it consistently since Sunday. It was really difficult the first few days, and we were and still are in a bit of pain. But it feels really good after we workout! It's only 20 minutes so it doesn't feel like we've spent the whole day working out, but it is a rigorous 20 minutes, so it should make a difference! 

We first took our measurements last Sunday, so tomorrow we will be taking our second lot of measurements! Hopefully we will see a bit of change! (We might be a little pissed off if we don't) 

So here are our measurements from Week 1 (aka Day 1) - we put the measurements that were required in the myfitnesspal app because it made it easier for us to take everything down :) 

Sister 1
Weight - 77.9 kg 
Height - 157 cm
Neck - 37 cm
Waist - 112 cm
Hips - 116 cm

Sister 2
Weight - 70.1 kg
Height - 165 cm 
Neck - (coming soon)
Waist - (coming soon)
Hips (coming soon)

Tomorrow we will post up the results for week 1! 

Day 1 Pictures coming soon!  

We will try and update almost every day! We'll also post up some vegetarian recipes (because sister 2 is vegetarian) 

Thanks for reading! 

And good luck to anyone on their weight loss journey :) 
