Monday, July 4, 2011

30 Day Shred Level 2 !!

Ok so we just did Level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred!


Today was our 8th day, and the last couple days with Level 1 started to get a bit too easy. 

So we thought that today we would start Level 2 !

The warmup was similar to Level 1, it was actually more fun! 

But then EVERYTHING else was so scaryyyy!! 

The strength was probably the most painful, but hopefully it will be worth it! 

We both definitely had to pause in the middle for a few seconds, especially for the cardio parts, but we think we have definitely improved ALOT since day 1! For example, when we got too tired doing the double jump-rope our 'pause' was the single jumprope, rather than just stopping. Before that, jumprope used to be the worst part of cardio in level 1! Now it's like one of the best! 

We think main difference between Level 1 and 2 is the pace, as well as the difficulty of the strength part. We do not recommended increasing your weights just yet, because the strength part can get a little too painful. 

Even though it was painful, we are both looking forward to tomorrows workout, because we will be more familiar to it, and we will hopefully know what we are doing, more properly. Hopefully our bodies won't be aching too much though!! 

We highly recommend if you are planning to start the 30 day shred, START AT LEVEL 1 FIRST NO MATTER WHAT UNLESS YOU ARE AN ATHLETE! Because even the trainers in the background were getting really tired in level 2! 



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